The link shortening App short-it

Have you ever had to send a long url to a friend or a colleague at work and the url is too long to fit a line in your chat space. That can be so annoying right. Well worry no more as SIDEHUSTLE PORTFOLIO REACT TEAM 1 are here to save the day.

We present to you, short-it.

short-it is a Single Page React Application that takes in an input, usually the long url and returns an input usually the short url. The short url when inputted into a browser redirects the user to the long url when clicked on.

The Server side of the Application was built using Django and Django Rest API. The long url is sent to the Django server using a post request by axios and gets a short url back which redirects to the long url when clicked. Isn't that great!!.

Check the App here;

Screenshot (50).png

Screenshot (49).png

Screenshot (48).png